Engaging Students in Learning Math Using Problem Solving, Math Tasks and Games with Summer Adventures in Mathematics (Grades 4 - 6)

6 CEU option for registered participants in the UC Davis Mathematics Project institute. This institute will provide opportunities for teachers of grades 4-6 to better understand the Common Core State Standards for their grade strand with a focus on number sense and then design and evaluate grade appropriate activities and games to engage students in learning and build student understanding.

Week 2 provides opportunities to practice new ideas and activities with a group of grade span students to better understand the CCSS-Math as they apply to students.  Participants will work in the style of Japanese lesson study; preparing, presenting, evaluating, and revising activities based on student engagement and learning outcomes. Both lesson study and peer coaching as models for teacher professional learning and improving student outcomes are practiced through facilitating lessons designed by the group while all other participants engage in analysis of the lesson and/or provide coaching. For additional information and enrollment see http://education.ucdavis.edu/uc-davis-math-project.

Course Code