Why You Really Should Care About the #GreatResignation
Quick Summary
- The impacts of the pandemic on work culture are vast, and employees are leaving their jobs in large numbers. In a two-article series, we'll explore the main reasons behind this mass exodus and how leaders and employees can adjust to this "new normal."
By this point, the pandemic has impacted, well, pretty much everything. Some things are slowly returning to a pre-COVID “normal,” while other changes seem to be sticking around (hybrid work, the “Zoom tuxedo”). And one other trend seems notable: Employees are leaving their jobs in droves.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, a staggering 47 million Americans voluntarily left their jobs last year, and many employers are wondering, “Why?”. The Harvard Business Review says five primary factors are at play: reconsideration (i.e., burnout), relocation, reshuffling (employees making lateral moves), reluctance (unwilling to return to an office environment, post-COVID), and retirement.
In this two-article series, we will explore these factors and discuss how you can shape your career by looking at what’s really important to you and the role professional development plays in that journey.
Reconsideration (aka burnout)
Something as earth-shaking as a pandemic is bound to make people take a long look at what they really value, and this includes their careers. What role does work play in their lives? What if they were already burning out before the pandemic?
Many people, including women, younger people, front-line workers, parents and organizational leaders have seen higher rates of separation. Industries such as consulting and finance have experienced high burnout, particularly in junior staff members whose workloads have increased and opportunities for mentorship and training have decreased.
Burnout, or a state of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion, can become a problem especially when your personal values don’t align with the work you’re doing. Many people who experience burnout consider making a complete career change – a decision that often leads to a need for additional training.
Many people are hesitant to return to the workplace due to fear of contracting COVID, and a number of employees have said they’d quit rather than return to the office full time. Some even said they’d leave their current job without a new one already in-hand. As an employee, how do you navigate this new landscape? As a leader, how to do balance the needs of your company and your employees?
How CPE can help
Career Counselor Andrea Weiss has observed these trends in her practice. “I see clients coming out of the pandemic, looking to align their values with their work – no longer living to work but working to live.”
Deciding to change jobs or find a new career is the start but knowing what to do and having the skills and confidence to do it can feel overwhelming.
Earning another degree is costly, time consuming, and frankly, impossible for many. But a certificate or professional concentration is a great way to re-skill for relatively low cost and much less disruption to your schedule.
We offer learn-from-home training in industries such as Python, HR, Winemaking and GIS, which can allow you to expand your horizons and consider a career that really lights you up inside and lets you #liveyourvalues.
If you’re a leader wondering how to confidently guide your staff through these changes, we offer leadership training to help you expand your skillset for the #newworldofwork.