Management of Multinational and Cross-Cultural Teams Specialization on Coursera


This specialization will teach you how to:

  • Explain the concept of culture, how it affects your approach to work, and the opportunities and challenges in multinational and cross-cultural teams.
  • Recognize your communication style and understand the role culture plays in communication, co-create a new team "language" through collaboration.
  • Impact cross-cultural communication between in-person and virtual spaces; thinking about time zones, video conferences and text based interactions.
  • Explore different models of leadership and understand how the cultural differences in what is expected of leaders affect team performance.
Section Number
Instruction Method
Online class

Section Notes

Enrollments are accepted on a continuous basis. Complete this specialization at your own pace.

This specialization consists of 4 courses:

  • Introduction to Multinational and Cross-Cultural Teams
  • Cross-Cultural Communication and Management
  • Cross-Cultural Virtual Spaces and Teams
  • Leadership in Mulitnational, Cross-Cultural Teams

Enrollments are accepted on a continuous basis. For more information on Coursera online courses, including enrollment policies and technical requirements, please visit: